Royal Black
Wanna Say something.
Nabila Roslee.13 yearsyoung.Petaling Jaya.I'm awesomely retarded.Everybody is perfect in their own way.Skate all night , cheer all day.Proud to be myself Justin Bieber taught me to never say never . Lady Gaga told me I've born this way # Photography is my things ;) kbye♥

Skin by Ayien
Cute favicon byBabydoll
Blog owner: Nabila Roslee

Selasa, 6 September 2011 | 1:30 PG | 0 comments

bace ta title above tuh :s:
mish and wish ?
ape kate bace dlu entry nhe ?
check it out !

kite start wif "mishh" tu dlu eir ?
okay actually, nabila kangen banget sama MR.FACEBOOK & BLOGG
udhh kerepet blog nabila nhe,
facebook plk bertimbun kudd notifiction ..
alahaii :face48:
whatever :q:now kan da bole bkk ?
manfaatkan lha ,:66: poyo ta ?

now stop your nonsense nabila !
kay "wish" ?
selamat hari rayee !

nabila sedar byk jugakk slh diri inii,
harap dosa-2 ituu dimaafkan,dari hujung rmbt till hujung kaki

:n:to followers :65: sorry eir,kalau-2 da follow tapi nabila
tarak follow hang, kalauu da follow gtau lar kt tagboard,
INSYAALLAH nabila follow !

okay lha byeebyee

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